Launch Creader TPMS 5011 V2 vs CRT5011E TPMS Tool

Recently Launch releases Launch Creader TPMS 5011 V2,and many customers find that it is similar to the CRT5011E/CRT5011X and are curious what the difference between them.

pLEACheck the comparison below:

ItemLaunch Creader TPMS 5011 V2

Launch CRT5011E/CRT5011X

Screen5 inch3.5 inch
SystemAndroid 8.1ARM
Resolution720*1280 pixels320*480 pixels
Storage2G+ 32G2G+16G
OBDII connector input voltage9-18V9-18V
Input VoltageOBDII 9-18V/USB cable 5VOBDII 9-18V/USB cable 5V
LanguageGerman English Spanish French Korean Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian ArabicGerman English Spanish French Korean Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian Polish
UpdateLifetime free updateLifetime free update
Update methodOne-click WiFi updateUpdate via SD card
Active TPMS sensor (314Mhz/433Mhz)YesYes
Program TPMS sensorYesYes
Relearn TPMS sensorYesYes
Diagnose TPMS sensorYesYes
OE sensor number lookupYesYes
Full OBDII 10 ModesYesYes
4 in 1 Live Data StreamYesYes
Special functions12, EPB, Service reset, battery match, ABS Bleed, EGR reset, SAS reset, DPF regen, Immobilizer, injector coding, sunroof initialization, seats calibration, window/door calibration.

In sum:

The new TPMS 5011 V2 is the upgraded version of CRT5011E/CRT5011X.

The new TPMS 5011 V2 is based on Android system, more user-friendly. With easier UI and easy to navigate.

5011 V2 supports 12 special service functions. CRT5011E/X does not support extra special functions.

TPMS 5011 V2 supports one key WiFi update, CRT5011E needs to update via SD card.

TPMS functions are almost the same, but the new TPMS V2 is going to add repair database, diagnostic playback and Tesla TPMS activation functions (soon).