Xhorse VVDI2 failed to Read BMW 335i 2012 MSD81 DME ISN?
I have a BMw 335i 2012. AKL. Trying to get the ISN but car has a tunned DME. I pulled it out and read at bench with xhorse vvdi2. What option do I have? Search on vin E839604… it’s an IS model so N54 still. I picked MSD81. But identification put 80.
You have an MSD81. Pick MSD81 instead of MSD80.
If still failed to read, maybe it doesn’t have a uif or something. Reflash it with winkfp and then try to read it again.
The DME’s UIF just is corrupted / non existent. A reflash with UIF writing enabled will fix it and then VVDI2 should be able to read it again